100 KG

If you see that number, what do you think? Is that a big weight? If your weight is below that, you probably see this as a bad weight. If you're 110 KG, you wish you would be 100 KG. There are more dimensions to this, of course. Height, muscles, and so on. If you're tall and muscular, I guess a hundred is your normal weight. An ideal weight for my height, on the other hand is 65 KG. I used to be like that; somewhat fit. I started training around 14 years old. Before that, my weight was okay I guess, but I had no muscles and lots of fat. It was really hard to do pull ups in the beginning, luckily I had great friends, who not only taught me, but encouraged to do sports. In the beginning, I couldn't pull myself even once. I just hang like a sausage. At first, I've just tried to swing back and forth, and tried to do cheat pull ups. It works, by the way. After some time I could ditch cheating completely and do 1, then 2, then 3 pull ups and so on. In my peak physique, I've still had some fat, but in general was happy with myself. I could do like 10 dips and 15 pull ups. I don't remember how long it took me to reach this form, but I suppose it was in the range of 1 to 3 years. And what's cool about that, the form stays for quite some time. Even when I've stopped exercising regularly, I could still manage 10 pull ups, even after months of no training. Unfortunately, at some point I've completely forgot to workout. As I grew up, I've got to work and do other adult stuff, like cooking (which I didn't know how to, so I didn't). The weights kept showing larger and larger numbers. For some reason, I kept ingoring it, until I couldn't anymore. I've said enough is enough when it reached 110 KG. I was terrified when I realized that I can't do a single pull up, even swinging. I couldn't even do a push up! I knew based on past experience that it is possible to beat this. But I would say that this time it was even harder. I was even more obese than before, and all of my muscles were gone. I've started training at 01.01.2024. Today is 04.08.2024. I've lost 13 KGs. It felt like am not doing any progress, days and weeks and months. And losing more weight gets harder and harder, it seems. But I'm not giving up. I couldn't do 1 pull up. Now I can do 5x4, and even squeeze a little bit more. I couldn't do a single dip last week. The day before yesterday I did just 2. Now I can do 3, and even do a little bit more after that! I've also changed my diet. I used to order restaurant food deliveries (and fast food). At some point, I've tried everything and was bored and sick of it. I've started eating healthy foods, and cooking meals myself. I ditched sugar in my coffee. I thought it was impossible. It really is just a habit. You get used to it. I used to eat oatmeal with sugar or something sweat. Just add some berries or fruits. Yes, I do realize they have sugar, but they're healthier than cookies. As a bonus point, you'll eat less. You'll eat just as much as you need. After some time, I've just stopped even looking at croissants and other sweet stuff. I don't order it anymore. Note, this didn't happen one day and all at once. Every change was very gradual and one by one. At some point, I might be able to eat anything and everything (given enough activity), but I'm not there yet in my honest opinion. Here's my tips: - Can't do push ups? Push off a wall, or a table or anything - Maybe, invest in a floor push up handles, it helped me a ton - Can't do dips? Try anyway. Ascend slowly. If it hurts, stop, rest a day or two and try again - Train for muscle growth first and foremost. Muscles look better than fat, and they also passively burn calories. Sort of? - Lift weights. You don't have to lift a ton. But do it anyway. It's also nice to feel no back pain, to have a better posture. There's also one more thing that I've missed when I was a teenager: I didn't train all of the main muscles. I didn't train shoulders, triceps, lats, traps, glutes, etc. I'm sure they've got some work done, but not enough. Do train everything.