How To Use Nested Lists For Planning

There is a powerful and quite simple technique to make a plan for complex tasks. I’ve used it many times at work. Let’s say you’re given a rough business description of a feature. * How are we going to deliver it? Release a new version of an app. * How can we make sure that release is a success? Check logs, metrics and other stuff. * How do we ship it? Hide feature with toggle, make a deploy on production, test it, enable the toggle …and so on, until we reach the very first steps. These steps may be to develop necessary components, and then to integrate them, and so on. Here’s a simple example of such a plan: “The Chat Bot Widget Feature”:

- Real User Monitoring - Enable the feature - Test on prod (with flag) - Deploy - Merge feature branch - Make sure tests pass - Replace mocks w/ API calls - Make a chat bot widget - Add metrics, logs, etc - Create API mocks - Discuss API - Develop UI components - Check designs

Given this plan, it is clear that we can do a couple of things in parallel. E.g. developer Steve will check the designs and make tasks to develop UI, and Jane will negotiate with the backend team. After making such a plan, you’re ready to create an Epic, split it into tasks, and even link those tasks with each other, and finally, to start working on it.