I've started smoking so stupidly and this went on for too long, for almost eight years. Up until recently I've been smoking one and a half pack a day of Malboro Reds every day. It got to a point that I could chain smoke 5 cigarettes all by myself, and I thought enough is enough. Not only this is very unhealthy, but it is also stupid from financial point of view. Calculate the total money spent plus the surplus lost by not earning interest. Here's an example: 8 years * 365 days = 2920 packs, let's round that to 3000 packs a year. Where I'm at a pack of cigs cost 2-3 bucks, but it can cost as much as 10 or even 20 US dollars. Well, even if it did cost $1 per pack, it's 3 grand, before interest. To calculate total amount with interest, let's assume that we're depositing $30 each month (3000 / 8 / 12). And I'll assume an interest rate of 10%, an average ETF return rate. Plug in the numbers here yourself. Total amount contributed $2,880.00 Total interest $1,236.92 Your estimated savings $4,116.92 It's almost a half of a deposited sum! Not only you'd take three grand out of thin air, you would also accumulate an additional thousand bucks. And that's assuming the pack costs 1 dollar. Try adjusting it, and you'll be shocked. The famous Alan Carr method didn't work, although it had some good points. Will power didn't work too. Even the money aspect couldn't motivate me for some reason. This reason is that nicotine is a drug, and smoking is a drug addiction. I was lucky that one day a friend of mine said that he started using Tabex and it works wonders, so I've bought it too. I haven't heard anything about it previously, I've only heard about and tried patches, gums, lozenges, pouches, vapes, which all contain nicotine, which is the thing you're trying to give up. In my opinion, don't even think giving up nicotine by taking it in other form. It can aid in quitting, but in my opinion it isn't THE way to quit. Tabex (and other similar drugs) to put it simly, work by replacing nicotine in your brain with something similar but different. So your brain receptors are satisfied, but you don't feel anything. First of all, do your own research, read instructions, beware of the side effects and be careful if you have mental disorders. But this shit works. So here's the description of how it went: The first day I smoked the usual amount of cigs, but no chain smoking, got almost no joy out of it. The second day I've got 5 cigs, so I've told myself I'll just end the pack and that's it. And that WAS it. Cigarettes became empty burning paper rolls that smell like shit, nothing more. I've also used 2 or 3 nicotine gums, and a weak nicotine vape. On day 3 disposable vape pen died in the morning, so I did 2 gums at noon and threw it away too. Day 4, only Tabex, no side effects, and it went like that till the end of the treatment. Now, let's talk about the side effects that I did have. This is very subjective. Also, it's hard to tell whether it is side effects or effects of not smoking, but anyways. It makes you calm, relaxed, in general. Even the muscles. Most of the time it's harder to concentrate, other times all you can do is concentrate on something. The first night I've got crazy dreams. On the third day, in the evening I've got moody... I don't often get the blues, it happens maybe once a year. It lasted for an hour or so, but it was a bit concerning, but it passed. On Day 4, at noon it felt like I took speed for half an hour ...and then it felt like I'm stoned since noon 'till evening... It's best to be on vacation on this stuff, at least the first five days. It seems that physical cravings pretty much disappear, psychological do appear sometimes. But they're easy to fight while on this.