From time to time, we see news about bad events and sticky situations in foreign countries. We think such news make us happy, even I am susceptible to this. But in reality, I don't think they do. Seeing such news and perceiving them as good may lead to laziness. "Look! They have X happening. Good that we don't have that here, I can relax. That won't happen to me". Well, even if the most progressive civilizations struggle, what's left is to relax. "They're digging their own grave! They have X sins happening! We'll surely be ahead... So chill" But that's the wrong conclusion. We should learn from our own mistakes and from mistakes of others, not enjoy or make fun of them. Now with that context in mind, ask yourself: Who benefits from such news? It takes time and attention away from productive things we could do. And now a different side of the coin: Do people in these countries where such stuff happens even read these news? Or this an export product? How is this applicable to domestic markets? What does an American think about what's happening in their country? Do they get angry? What does this lead to? Who benefits, how? Again, I leave these questions for an avid reader. The most obvious benefit is clicks, attention and ad revenue. Any neutral events or news, or things we don't care about can be colored one way or another to attract our attention. Away from something that's really important and impacts us, not something ephemeral.